Which kexts must I use to get my audio working properly? What thread might I have missed that could possibly contain my solution? Any helpful advice or gentle shove in the direction of a solution is greatly appreciated. The only time I can get audio is with the VoodooHDA, and it is terrible to be kind. I have tried all the HDA audio enablers for Realtek included with the latest Multibeast, all to no avail. I have read through countless threads here as well as across the interwebz. Cannot Playback Encrypted DS2 files - See AS9000 Kit for Encrypted File playback Transcription headset with 3.5mm jack connector Headset cable 3m Kit Includes: Olympus DSS Player Standard R2.1.0 Transcription Software DSS Player for Mac v7.7. I have everything working except the audio. My build is on a Gigabyte H61M-DS2 Rev 1.0 F3 mobo. That said, I'm hoping someone reading this, perhaps you, might be able to help me out just a little bit more. If it weren't for people willing to share their experience and knowledge, getting my hack built and functioning as it is now would have been something I probably wouldn't have attempted. I would like to say thanks to everyone who has contributed here.
Wow, what a great resource this board is. Building a CustoMac Hackintosh: Buyer's Guide